Animals are consciously aware of the animal communication session.
In a communication session, animals know what is happening and are fully participating.
There are moments in sessions when this is obvious, and my human client jumps in the conversation to share.
A client in Washington State with 2 cats and a dog had an a-ha moment when she realized her cats animals knew . After the first 10 minutes of translating what her dog, Simon, had to say, Trinity, her female cat said, “Now it is my turn to share.” The woman chuckled and said, “Trinity has been looking out the window the whole time, but just as you said translated this for her, she turned to look at me with such intensity.”
Sometimes, an animal physically demonstrates the emotions they are going through while sharing their story telepathically.
A dog, Bradley, in Tucson, Arizona began the session sharing what a strong, proud, happy and noble fellow he is and all the specific things he loves about his life. Then his person asked why he barks at men, and Bradley showed me his life as a puppy in another home, and a man with a loud voice scaring him and hitting him with objects. His person jumped in and said, “my god Sharon, he has been sitting here on the sofa with me seeming so happy since the beginning of the session, but now as he is telling you this he is trembling.”
Other times, an animal goes out of his way to show his human that he REALLY MEANS the thing he is saying via Sharon, the translator.
A woman in Pennsylvania who has several cats of her own but also fosters was having issues with two of her cats. Connecting with each one, the answer was, “the new foster is stressing me out; please don’t bring any more fosters in the house.” She has a wise older orange tabby named Dillon, who I could feel butting into the conversation several times during the session saying, “I have something important to say about this.” At the end of the session Dillon expressed his concern how her life is changing, and fostering cats is no longer supportive to her. And, Dillon explained, all the other cats in the house felt the stress of her transition, which she was having a hard time admitting to herself. Dillon was very insistent on the importance of this message, and when I shared this to my client, she said, “Oh I get it. He won’t leave me alone. I was sitting in one room, and he came up and stared straight at me. I got up to go to the other room and he followed me and is still staring at me, as if to say, ‘this is really important, are you getting it loud and clear? No more fosters.”
“But my dog just looks like he is sleeping. How can he be communicating with you?”
Most often, however, animals rest there lying on the sofa or floor next to their people, seemingly taking a nap. But they are not napping. They are deeply involved in the telepathic conversation, actually focusing, using all of their energy to receive and send feelings, thoughts, and images to me telepathically which I translate for their human.
A client in Florida, Angela, said she noticed her dog Bentley goes into a deeper state of relaxation when I communicate with him. She was so fascinated with this that in the next session when I connected with her horse, Casa, she went to the stable to watch his reactions during the session. Just like with Bentley, Casa relaxed. He lowered his head and dropped his lower lip—a telltale horse sign of deep peacefulness. And to prove this further, I had to pause the session for 3 minutes about half-way through to ask the landscaper outside my office if he could resume his noisy work after my session. At that exact moment, Angela said Casa lifted his head and his lip, and turned toward his hay and began munching. He felt my brief absence and decided to take a short break too!

How is it that humans have forgotten how to communicate through feeling?
You may wonder, “how is it possible that there is a conversation happening in concepts and images and feelings and knowings, in real time, and the simplest of animals are able to participate in this, but we humans have lost this capacity?”
I agree, it is huge to fathom. It opens up all kinds of questions about the true nature of communication and the fabric of life itself.
But if you put the cosmic questions aside for a moment, and just look at your own life experience, you can probably remember moments when you have had knowings and feelings come to you from some silent place inside. And later you understood it was your own intuition, or the feelings of someone you love pulling on you, and the situation made total sense.
We humans are animals too, held and connected in the larger fabric of life. But we get so locked into the predictable world that our logical minds carve out for us, and we really believe that is all there is and we understand everything.
We don’t understand everything.
And doesn’t it just put us in our place, or show us something about our own arrogance as a species, that our sweet dog or cat or horse or bird, and the coyotes or squirrels in our backyard, understand so much more about telepathic communication than we do.