Sometimes communication alone is not enough to bring an animal’s health
or behavior problem back into balance. Below are my favorite,
tried-and-true products and services that create tangible shifts
for clients and their animal friends.
NOTE: I do not financially profit from the recommendation of these products or services.
Holistic Health Products
NOTE: Be sure to run these products by your veterinarian, especially if your animal friend is under treatment for a serious illness.

Pet Health Plus
I found this detox and nutritional support product at a local pet store where I was doing a fundraiser some years ago. Before the event began, I asked the owner what her favorite product is, and right away she said, “This stuff. We can’t keep it on the shelves. Every week someone comes in and tells how Pet Health Plus gave their elderly dog a new lease on life or cured their cat’s allergy problem.” I have since seen these kinds of results in my own animals and with clients’ animals too.
“My aging dog, Borgi, had kidney failure, to a point that she lost her appetite, eating so little, her energy was down and she didn’t want to play or even move. Sharon suggested Pet Health Plus. The result was amazing! Within a couple of days, I saw Borgi’s appetite increase, and she would eat and she had more energy. And she seemed so much happier too! I was thrilled with the results and now my other three dogs are also getting the benefits of Pet Health Plus.”

Azmira D’Toxifier Homeopathic
This is another detox product that is wonderful for animals who are a little more sensitive. The company was started by a holistic veterinarian in Tucson, AZ. It is homeopathic, therefore very gentle.
“We fixed Alaskan King crabs one night for dinner, and my cat Cosmo got into the discarded shells. Within a couple of hours he was visibly ill; I took him to the vet and they said he had a parasite. They put him on an antibiotic, anti-parasitic drug, and a steroid shot; after a couple of days, still no improvement. I called Sharon, she recommended Azmira D’Toxifier. His recovery was so quick! Within a half hour of giving it to him, he seemed to have energy again, and then within 3 days he was back to his wonderful Cosmo kitty self.”

Botanical Alchemy
These flower essences are my favorite because they are hand-made in small batches and because they work. My most frequent recommendation is the “Lighten Grief” formula.
“I hired Sharon when my cat Miko was sick with grief over the disappearance of his sister and best friend, Kailani. Sharon suggested the flower essence Lighten Grief and within a day or so of putting it in his water and on his fur, he brightened up and began to play again. It was so heartening, because he had been moping and so depressed ever since she left. I was so grateful for the help and amazed at how fast it worked.”

Young Living Essential Oils
A few years ago I had a scare with my dog Rufus. He had lost his appetite and had developed a tumor. I took him to the vet who said he suspected cancer and suggested we operate within 30 days. Rufus was an elderly dog, and I knew I had to explore other options. A friend pointed me to Young Living Essential Oils, and 3 months later, after 3 energy healing sessions and $250 in oils, I took Rufus back to the vet who was now stunned. Not only did the oils work quickly (Rufus started eating again after 2 days) but we avoided a painful procedure for Rufus and the whole experience cost half the price of surgery. I later learned that Frankincense, one of the oils I used, has repeatedly stopped the mutation of cancer cells in laboratory tests.
This company is a multi-level marketing company, which has its good and bad points. But I have not found essential oils that I like better. Since this experience I have met a number of veterinarians who regularly use and recommend essential oils in their practice, and they use Young Living exclusively.
Holistic Health Practitioners
There is an enormous amount of trust involved when hiring a professional to work with your beloved animal companion. So when healing is beyond the scope of communication alone, I sometimes refer clients to other holistic practitioners who bring the same dedication, mastery in their field, integrity, and genuine caring for their clients as I do. I know each of these people personally, have collaborated with them professionally, and can easily liaise with them when needed at no additional charge for my time. For the most part, they all either work remotely or travel extensively, so distance is not a barrier, even overseas in many cases.
When I cannot recommend someone I know personally for you, here are some suggestions for finding a holistic health practitioner that will be a good fit.
1.) Ask about their education and experience—make sure they are thoroughly trained and have professional standing in their field.
2.) Trust your first impressions. Because our animals often entrain with our emotions, your animal will respond to how you feel, and will be more open to the experience if you are comfortable with this person. This can make all the difference in the effectiveness of a holistic treatment.
3.) Find a practitioner who is emotionally present and takes the time to understand your animal’s unique situation and needs. Often, because they care and are connected to you, these practitioners will make more intuitive and therefore more individualized and effective treatment choices.

Inner Space Techniques
Sometimes an animal’s aggression or anxiety is an extension of the emotional state of their person. Other times, it is related to an energetic blockage. In either case I may recommend contacting an Inner Space Techniques (IST) Practitioner. They are trained as healers and energy workers by the Clairvision School, and their techniques are among the most thorough and effective I have found.
Robert Volinsky – NYC, NY –
Cliona McNally – travels –
Linda Freya – travels –
Annette Kurtz – travels –
Wilhelmina von Buellen – Sydney, Australia –
Dana Runge – Boulder, CO –
Jennifer Pennell – San Diego, CA –
Emma Swan – Bellingham, WA –
Tracy Hartway – travels –
Sheila Gomez – Los Angeles, CA –
Annie Upthagrove – San Francisco, CA –
Marcela Crowe – Vancouver, Canada –
Janeclaire Stevens – London, UK –
Cecilia Moorcroft – Toronto, Canada –
Tori Polony – Sebastopol, CA –
Melissa Levi – Sebastopol, CA –
“When my loyal protector and beautiful companion Jake was nearing the end of his life, my feelings of sadness and overwhelm were really bad—until it got much worse. Unexpectedly, our other beloved Border Collie, Blaze, got sick and died suddenly. She had been the picture of health, even at age 15, and one day in July I had less than an hour from when I was told there was no hope, to when she was gone. At Sharon’s suggestion, I had been doing IST sessions, working with IST Practitioner Linda Freya for a couple years, even meeting her personally when she came to Houston. I was so devastated after losing Blaze, on top of knowing losing Jake was imminent, I just didn’t have the emotional resources to cope with all of that loss and grief, so I turned to IST once again. Linda has a beautiful and gentle way of helping to shift perspectives that I so appreciated … she is so gifted at what she does, literally a ‘God-send’ to help me feel calm and restore my connection to faith that I was looking for in that painful, sad time. Together with Sharon’s on-going care and connection, which has been phenomenally insightful for me personally as well as with my dogs, my time with Sharon and Linda over this most recent four months proved to be a tremendous help, for which I am deeply and sincerely grateful. They are both exceptional healers—women of high character and competence … and I know for certain that they genuinely care for me and my two angels.”
“I train thoroughbred race horses and one of my most promising young horses, Kodari, started having panic attacks when he was being saddled before a race. He would get so upset, expending so much energy in the paddock that he would run poorly in the races. This was not his normal behavior; he had been a strong and positive horse up to this point. I was afraid his racing career was over. I hired Sharon and she said the problem was an energetic blockage in his belly that was increasing his anxiety before a race. She advised me to hire Robert Volinsky, a healer and clearer of energetic blockages in humans and animals, trained by the Clairvision School. I contacted Robert and was impressed with his compassion and professionalism; I decided to hire him. Robert came to the farm to do the clearing and the results were so positive; right afterwards we turned Kodari out and he ran around playing, showing obvious signs of joy and relief. The panic attacks are gone, and over time he has gotten more settled and more relaxed. His exercise rider says he is more focused and confident than ever. I am so pleased with the results! It makes my heart happy that Kodari is happier, and I feel confident that he will perform well when he runs again.”

Family Constellation Work
Family Constellation Work allows us to see and heal unseen patterns sourced in our family system. Sometimes, an animal’s health or behavior problem stems from this, and the insight and healing provided by a family constellation session will bring the animal back into balance.
When this comes up in a session, I recommend Diyvo Kuhlman as a Family Constellation Facilitator. She works in person in Sedona or via Skype.
“When my dog lost his mobility and was preparing to leave his body, it seemed like there was something more that needed to be looked into energetically. Sharon felt my dog’s resistance to leave his body related to something in the family dynamics and recommended a Family Constellation with facilitator Divyo to uncover what that might be. It can be stressful calling a new healing practitioner out of the blue. With Divyo, there was so much compassion, attentiveness, and awareness that it put me at ease from the first contact to the appointment itself. Throughout the session we saw a lot, but in the final 10 minutes, we uncovered the missing piece that was keeping him stuck in his body. I rescued my dog from the side of the road with an injury. He had clearly been abandoned. He had a well-worn collar, but was never claimed by the previous owner. We realized that his wounding of being orphaned made it hard for him to feel accepted into a family. In that moment, I welcomed him as an official family member, with Divyo as witness, and right then I sensed a feeling of relief in him and even a “happy dance” energetically even though he was unable to do so in his physical body. That was the missing piece that brought peace to me and my dog, and allowed him to move on in his own timing. The experience was moving for me as well, as abandonment has been a theme in my own family dynamics. Sharon’s intuition and her recommendation to Divyo helped bring healing and bless my dog’s transition to the next step in the cycle of life.”

Clutter Clearing
Sometimes an animal’s health or behavior issue is a result of problems in the space of your home. Just as physical clutter can weigh us down emotionally and energetically, so can it affect your animal friends. I recommend professional clutter clearers trained by Karen Kingston because they are thorough and consistently create shifts for my clients and their animals. To learn more about her work visit her website or buy her book “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui.”
I have personally worked with and referred the following clutter clearers.
Sheila Gomez –
Tori Polony –
Annette Kurtz –
Linda Freya –
Dana Runge –
Cecilia Moorcroft –

Space Clearing
Sometimes an animal’s health or behavior issue is a result of problems in the space of your home. Pollution, EMFs from nearby cell towers, negative emotional imprints from previous owners, and energy fragments are all factors that can cause distress for animals. I recommend professional space clearers trained by Karen Kingston because they are thorough and consistently create shifts for my clients and their animals. To learn more about her work visit her website or buy her book “Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui.”
I have personally worked with and referred the following space clearers.
Annette Kurtz –
Linda Freya –
Wenndi Freer –
Tracey Stanton –
Cecilia Moorcroft –
Sheila Gomez –
“I have five Scottish Terriers and someone was peeing in my living room. I wasn’t sure who it was, why they were peeing, or how to get them to stop, so I called Sharon to help. In the session, Phil, my alpha male, confessed that he was the main culprit and he showed Sharon three main spots—over by the television, behind the recliner, and in the corner of the dining room (these were exactly the spots I had caught him peeing!)—where he perceived some kind of negative energy pouring up from the floor of my house. Sharon said that in the image Phil was showing her it looked to her like old memories or imprints from people long ago. She didn’t know it but my home was built on a historic Civil War battlefield! I was starting to understand the problem, but what was I going to do to solve it? Fortunately, Sharon recommended a space clearing with Annette Kurtz, and I am so glad I followed her advice and hired Annette. Not only was the ceremony a beautiful and memorable experience, the peeing stopped immediately after the clearing, and a year later, still no problems. Also, I sleep better at night and so does my partner. And what’s more, our lives have improved overall since the space clearing. My boyfriend and I both quit the jobs that have frustrated us for years; he started his own towing company which is going strong, and I went full-time as a professional psychic. We are both making more money than ever doing work that we love, and I know this was a miraculous outcome of the space clearing. I still can’t believe that solving my dogs’ peeing problem could result in so many changes in my own life!”

Homeopathy uses the healing qualities of elements from nature to bring the body back into balance. Remedies can come from all parts of the natural world, have been used successfully for centuries, and are regulated by the FDA.
When I feel in a session that an animal would respond to homeopathic treatment, I suggest you find one in your area that you are comfortable working with. But if none are available, I recommend one of the homeopaths listed for a remote session.
Nan Wishner – – works with people and animals
Jana Shiloh – – works with people and animals
Dr. Charles Loops – – works with animals
Dianna Burkhalter – – works with people
Sheila Gomez –– works with people and animals
“One day my Yorkshire Terrier all of a sudden couldn’t walk and was vomiting. I rushed her to the vet and they put her on IV fluids, and said unfortunately it could take weeks for her to recover, and that she may not recover fully. A session with Sharon revealed that my dog had ingested some poison by eating the feces of a small furry critter outside (I think it was a pocket gopher) and that homeopathics would speed up her recovery, and possibly save her life. As I don’t know a homeopath in my area, Sharon referred Jana Shiloh. I was so grateful for her help! Jana told me which homeopathics to get, and how to use them, and when I gave my dog the first one, she showed marked improvement in about 5 minutes. The improvement over the next 3 hours was enough to really impress the vets and vet techs, and so the overnight vet techs kept administering it to her every 4 hours. By the next morning she was starting to seem like herself again, and they let us bring her home the next day. She was still a little weak, and still had a little breathing distress, but she did so well! She is now back to her normal life, except for a little weakness in her back legs, which improves daily with her walks in the Colorado snow. It’s like her physical therapy! We are so thankful that our family has been restored to wholeness, and so grateful to Sharon and Jana for their help.”
“I am forever grateful to Dr. Loops for saving my dog’s life. Ginger was diagnosed with autoimmune inflammatory brain disease and was unresponsive to all conventional treatments. I even tried several alternative treatments with other practitioners, including other homeopaths, but the improvements were minimal.
Ginger’s condition became so severe that she lost the ability to walk. I also had to force feed her through a syringe because she couldn’t eat or drink on her own. I was beginning to lose hope; it looked like she might die. It was heartbreaking.
In my appointment with Dr. Loops which was over the phone, he took a thorough evaluation and sent Ginger’s remedy in the mail that day. The remedy quickly arrived even though I live on the opposite side of the country.
I gave the remedy as instructed and within one hour I could tell the homeopathic treatment was working and that Ginger would be healed by this treatment. Now Ginger is healthy and happier than ever. She has a long life of joy and wellness ahead of her.
I know Dr. Loops’ treatment saved Ginger’s life. I cannot recommend Dr. Loops enough.”

Using the ancient meridian system consisting of 12 energy channels, acupuncture balances the life force known as chi. Treatments must be done in person, as they use hair fine needles to stimulate specific points along these meridians. Animals are typically not bothered by the needles, and at times even enjoy the treatments. It is extremely effective for joint or organ issues, and many other ailments.
“Banjo’s leg is doing much better! Almost immediately after you talked with him, he perked up and his limp decreased at least 75%! I took him to acupuncture at our vet’s office and now I can hardly tell he has a limp. He has another appointment today for acupuncture, it’s a cool and amazing therapy. Maybe I’ll start getting acupuncture!”

In some sessions, a dog or horse will ask for more structure, guidance, and grounding in their human to help them release anxiety and let go of a behavior issue. I recommend trainers who work from a place of positive reinforcement and respect for both the human and the animal, fostering collaboration through teaching consistency, focus, and groundedness. Very talented trainers have both practical tools as well as instinctive know-how, and the best ones know how to pass both to their animal and human clients.
A few years ago I had a Border Collie named Jackie who my ex-boyfriend and I got from the shelter. She came with quite a few issues, the main one being a strong prey drive, even for this breed. No amount of communication could suppress her desire to chase Jake and Isabel when she was visiting my house. I reached out to a local trainer, Starr Ladehoff, and was so impressed with her gentleness and groundedness; I started to see results after the second session. Though both my relationships with my ex-boyfriend and with Jackie ended, my experience of working with a trainer took my own instinctive know-how of working with dogs to the next level. I recommend Starr for the Sedona, Arizona area.

Afterlife Work
Sometimes an animal or human loved one passes and something feels unfinished. Either we can’t overcome our grief or we have a knowing that they, somehow, are not really at peace or need a little help on their journey.
Animals in spirit will sometimes communicate this during a telepathic session. When this happens I refer my clients to Wilhelmina von Buellen, an afterlife therapist. By holding a caring space for you and connecting with your loved one in spirit, grief can be healed and your loved one can find peace and a new level of wholeness.
I engaged the services of Wilhelmina after a dear and friend and colleague of mine passed away from a brain tumour. My colleague’s family, and friends including myself were understandably grief stricken and distraught. Speaking to Wilhelmina, I could see that she had a really comprehensive and in-depth knowledge around the whole death/transition journey. She was both informative and reassuring at the same time. Instead of the usual ‘ghost’ whisperers who tell you what you want to hear, Wilhelmina not only has the capacity to pierce the veil of the world of spirit, she was able to expertly guide me step by step with her years of experience in the area, to learn how to assist my colleague and friend in her transition journey. In the process of that, my grief and sorrow turned to peace and assurance, and my peace and assurance turned to joy and elation as I was guided to sense the spaces of otherworldly joy, luminosity and love that my dear friend had transitioned to. This process not only helped to erase my grief completely, but it left me deeply transformed, with a deeper appreciation of the reality of an afterlife, and expanded my heart in a way that I did not know was possible.
I highly recommend Wilhelmina’s services to anyone who wants to understand more about the death/transition journey, and who is open to being more than ‘comforted and consoled’, but is open to the idea of being able to be of assistance to loved ones who have passed away, and at the same time, being open to be transformed by the process at the same time. Having gone through this process with Wilhelmina, not only has my relationship to death changed irrevocably, but my relationship to life and living has also definitely changed for the better.