For many clients a single communication session is enough to bring understanding and improve a health or behavior issue. For others, multiple sessions and outside interventions are needed to realize profound healing and lasting change. These clients especially go through powerful journeys of transformation with me and their animal friends.
I hope you enjoy the stories below where clients share their experiences working with me.
Letters from Clients after One Session

“Dutch seems more relaxed, as if he’s relieved that he’s told his story and we now understand.”
Dear Sharon,
Dutch seems more relaxed, as if he’s relieved that he’s told his story and we now understand. He also seems more self-assured. We have accepted that he is the “top dog” among our pets and he likes that we acknowledge it. He is still apprehensive in certain situations, but he is a rescue dog and we are learning to let him be who he is and provide a safe place for him.
You should know that my husband, the skeptic, was won over by the detail you provided and has since shared this experience with others.
Karen K., Louisville, KY

“You were right on target about Daisy’s health issues.”
Hi Sharon,
Just wanted to let you know that you were right on target about Daisy’s health issues.
First of all, you sensed the major problem with her teeth was on the right-hand side and that extraction might be necessary. After an exam, the veterinarian said that an appointment for scaling was definitely in order and, quite possibly, removal of a back tooth on the right-hand side of her mouth.
You also indicated that you saw an image of Daisy’s leg on her left side developing a sprain or weakness, and that this was why she was removed from racing. This did not make any sense to me at the time. However, a week ago Daisy and I were walking with the greyhounds group in the March on Meth Parade when Daisy began limping and kind of throwing her left leg to the side. I quickly checked her foot and could find nothing. Right after that the limp got worse and she simply collapsed on the left rear side. My veterinarian said that she would guess that Daisy was removed from racing because of a spasm just like the one she had in the parade. Again, you were right.
You had also said that you sensed a spinal problem. We had digital x-rays done that showed two discs, close to the end of the spine, were spaced closer than normal. The vet indicated that this is most likely what is causing the spasms. So, you were right again.
Just wanted to let you know how accurate your communication was. Also, if you want to use this as a testimonial, feel free to do so.
Jan N., Sedona AZ.

“I am relieved knowing that I can let Odie pass on the way he wants. The whole family is in a better place because of this communication.”
Dear Sharon,
As for Odie, since I have started him on pain medication and changed his food as he requested during the session, he is feeling so much better and has started eating again. Thank you.
I am so grateful for your help—your accuracy and sensitivity, and how you seemed to know just the right questions to ask. But more than anything, I am relieved knowing that I can let Odie pass on the way he wants. The whole family is in a better place because of this communication.
Carrie S., Louisville, KY

“I am pretty positive you saved my bird’s life today.”
Dear Sharon,
I am pretty positive you saved my bird’s life today. Moshie figured out how to get out of his cage. I thought I had locked it securely before my long trip to Albany. I got home four hours later to find Moshie had escaped, and both he and Tiko were perched peacefully in the same open space, on branches in the outdoor aviary!!!
The last time Moshie escaped there was a bloodbath which resulted in his droopy eye and lame foot that he has to this day. He had always been an aggressor with Tiko and he has always lost, but it has never stopped him. Poor Tiko had lived in constant fear for his life as he told you in our first session.
I couldn’t believe my eyes seeing Moshie calmly perched nearby Tiko. It was an absolute miracle. He has been a changed bird since your talk with him.
He could’ve easily killed Tiko or himself today and didn’t. There’s no other way to explain it really, and I’m so glad I found you Sharon and I can’t wait to take your course in March!
Laura Ann J., Hudson, NY

“Diego’s aggression stopped right after your communication with him.”
Dear Sharon,
I have been amazed. In fact for the most part he looks forward to meeting new dogs calmly and respectfully which really a first for him in this arena. Feel free to use this info for your newsletter or website.
PS: It was heartbreaking for me to watch him be rejected by my ex and I was astounded that that was the root issue behind the aggression, but I can totally see it now. He is such a sensitive boy and that really was a big blow to him.
Beth W., San Francisco, CA

“If you had not picked up on the feeling of poison in her body, we would not have taken the course of action that saved her life.”
Dear Sharon,
If you had not picked up on the feeling of poison in her body, we would not have taken the course of action that saved her life. My vet wanted to do more testing and give more medicine. But I said no more! We are going to flush her system and that’s final! If it were not for you I would not have been comfortable with my obstinate position.
We did a saline, electrolyte and vitamin flush with an IV on Saturday for 7 hours. Previous to that I spoke with Jana the homeopath you recommended and we got the vomiting and diarrhea under control. Slowly but surely she came back to us and this morning she was digging in the trash so I know she feels 100%!
Thank you for connecting with Bella and giving me the information that got her healed. I am so grateful.
Grace R., Las Vegas, NV

“The accidents on the rug stopped!”
Hi Sharon,
What is most amazing is that Bandit has had no more accidents in the house since your communication. When Bandit told you how she wanted to feel more important to Paul, and how she wanted to be greeted first when he came home from work, Paul was so touched and now does this every day. And then of course, the accidents on the rug stopped! It is so obvious to us now that this was her way of getting attention from him. Thank you, we look forward to future sessions!
Laura I., Louisville, KY

“I am astounded at how fast Jill is improving.”
Dear Sharon,
She is also better adjusted at home and is not so clingy. She seems much more balanced and secure. She used to kill the birds that flew into the window and were stunned. Now I say no and she leaves them alone. I am so glad that you were able to communicate with her and tell her that her bad behaviors were not pleasing us.
Jack is also happier. Jill is not ambushing him every time he comes through the door. We are also giving him more dog biscuits, as he requested through you. Thank you so much for your help. Jill thanks you too. We are all so much happier, now that her compulsive behaviors are under control.
Barbara G., Sedona, AZ
Hi Sharon,
Jill just keeps on improving. She is getting much more affectionate and loyal. Both she and Jack keep looking at us with a very knowing face. Jack is getting more dog biscuits and loving it. The only behavior that is still out of control is their over-zealous jumping on any one who comes through the door to visit. After a few minutes they are fine, but they do put people off with that behavior. Perhaps we will schedule another session to address this issue. Thanks again for your help.
Barbara G., Sedona, AZ

“We haven’t seen them, or any javelinas, since the day you communicated with them and explained to them why they couldn’t live in our yard.”
Dear Sharon,
It has been 2 months now, and after spending three months in our yard, tearing up our flowers and resisting all other attempts to get them out, your communication is what did the trick. We haven’t seen them, or any javelinas, since the day you communicated with them and explained to them why they couldn’t live in our yard. I am so grateful; and John and Tatiana can’t believe it either. Thank you so much.
Pamela C., Sedona, AZ

“You truly brought us profound insight, understanding, and healing.”
Dear Sharon,
Max, our oldest cat has blossomed and come back out of his shell, he is now feeling more confident and happy. It’s been a joy to see! Oliver, has softened up and let go of any of the previous trauma he was holding or was holding him. Lille is more relaxed and happy…and “the girls,” Jade, Prim and Dharma … wow. Jade is less frightened and really opening up her spirit to relaxing into this healing life, Dharma has stopped biting off her belly hair and making her skin red, and Prim has become so cuddly and open.
You truly brought us profound insight, understanding, and healing.
We have always had a wonderful relationship with our cats but to know and relate to them at a deeper level is the most wonderful experience and gift imagined! Thank you!
We plan on scheduling a session again, just to check in with everyone!
We hope all is well and thank you for sharing your gift with our Pride.
Sam and Patrick H.,

“Harley is interested in cats, squirrels, and other dogs, but no longer aggressive.”
Dear Sharon,
They have stopped having accidents in the house and we are able to enjoy their company indoors more. We even allow them freedom to roam from their crates at night because we know they will not mess in the house. Also, Harley is much better when we are walking. He is interested in cats, squirrels, and other dogs, but no longer aggressive.
This is amazing. The biggest change I see is Harley smiling a lot more. He still has a concerned look at times, but I reassure him that “all is well.” I call him “Happy Harley” because he is so different now.
Thank you for your help. You are very gifted and talented with your insights, and your communication was “right on the mark!” I will recommend you to anyone who is in need!
Lorese H., Jeffersonville, IN

“I am happy to say that the changes have stuck.”
Hi Sharon:
I wanted to contact you sooner to let you know, but I’ve been waiting to see how Kisses’ behavior changes would hold or whether she would revert to former patterns. I am happy to say that the changes have stuck.
First of all, I must say you really “nailed” both of my cats and their personalities in our conversation on the phone. Hershey is definitely the Little Man of the House and my protector and a care taker for Kisses. Kisses is The Princess and thinks the world should revolve around her. You certainly “picked up” on both of them just like you’d actually met them.
You gave me confirmation of what I have sensed myself and several others have said to me: Hershey is an Old Soul and he is revisiting me. He has always acted with me exactly like a previous cat named Merlin. Both of them want to protect me and be the Man of the House. Merlin warned me two different times of people with bad intentions and saved me from potential bodily harm. Hershey always wants to be between me and other people and insists that I be holding him whenever a man is in the house, such as a plumber or repairman, next-door neighbor or my brothers stopping by, etc.
Thanks for your suggestions about Hershey’s diet. I made the changes we talked about and he has done much better regarding hair balls and the subsequent puking on the floor after he eats. No more kibble food for Hershey; high protein canned food and real meat/fish for him thanks to you. Seems to be a good change for Hershey.
Kisses has not peed on the area rug in the living room since our phone session. I’m sure you were right. I had been giving so much attention to Hershey and his health issues the past months that Kisses was wanting attention. So she peed on the rug—not because she was sick or anything and there was nothing “wrong” with the litter box. Just like you said, she just knew that peeing on the rug would get my attention. She uses the litter box again now.
In our session, you said Kisses wants to be more of a “confidant” and “companion/counselor” to/for me. She has always been an affectionate kitty. But the past month she has been like “Little Miss Velcro Cat” and can’t be more than 5 feet away from me. When I go from room to room, she follows me. When I sit down at the computer, she jumps up on the desk and curls up near me. She is “under my feet” all the time, so much so that I have stepped on her a few times in the kitchen while preparing meals. Even so she doesn’t seem to mind it. While gardening in my flowers, she is so close that I’ve spilled shovels of soil on her. When I walk to the mailbox, she follows me down the driveway. This evening I walked over to my next-door neighbors and Kisses tried to follow me to their yard. She insists on sleeping on top of me now, which she never did before.
One reason I’ve been delaying writing to you is I wanted to wait and observe her with the dogs next door and make sure I could believe what I saw. As I told you, Kisses would get “hissy” with the neighbor dogs, going right up to them and getting “spatty” and confrontational—she would take on any dog, any size, who came near her. In our phone call, you suggested to Kisses that she might assume the attitude of just ignoring the dogs.
Well, she did exactly that. Three days after our phone call, Kisses was lounging in the sun on the rock wall in our back yard. John opened their back door and the 2 dogs darted outside and headed straight for my yard in their usual “yipping” tirade. I immediately looked at her to see how she’d react. Kisses looked up, saw them coming and walked casually toward our patio door. I stood there watching her and was shocked. Previously, she would have gone right up to them, puffed up as big as she could, spatting and hissing and smacking those dogs in the face. But she just casually walked to the patio and ignored them! The dogs circled her while she walked across the yard, barking and prancing around. When they realized she was not going to be involved with them, they lost interest in her and went back to their own yard, just as you had said they would.
About a week after our phone call, another dog came through our yard, an adult dog sort of a Boxer type of dog. Again, she ignored him. He came over and sniffed at her. But she turned and stuck her tail in the air and walked over to where I was and lay down on my feet for me to rub her belly.
She has had several opportunities the past 3 weeks to run over and fuss at Kobe, the big Akita dog next door. But when he is outside in his yard, Kisses has not gone over to spat at him again.
Our phone session was extremely beneficial and I am very grateful for your help.
You have my permission to use any of my comments in this or other e-mails that I’ve sent to you.
Janice F., Portland, OR
Dear Sharon,
Kisses continues to behave well when dogs come around barking and being obnoxious.
Just this evening when she and I and Hershey were in the backyard doing some late evening planting and watering, two dogs who are new to the neighborhood (there’s a new house being built in back of us and the workers bring their dogs with them), came over and starting barking and prancing around. Kisses TOTALLY IGNORED THEM just like you suggested she should do. She walked over to the patio and lay down by the sliding door.
On the other hand, Hershey, her brother and as you said in our phone call, MY LITTLE “MAN” chased the dogs away. The dogs actually tucked their tails and ran away without further confrontation.
This is amazing!!!!
Janice F., Portland, OR

“It gave me so much peace of mind knowing that Fluffy wanted to make a gentle transition on her own at home rather than with veterinary assistance.”
Dear Sharon,
It gave me so much peace of mind knowing that Fluffy wanted to make a gentle transition on her own at home rather than with veterinary assistance. Recently, I listened to our first session again and it made me cry. She was such a special cat, and having done a communication at this time in her life is even more meaningful now that she is gone.
I also want to let you know that the new kitties are doing so well. I am so glad that I chose Jack and Lily (now Liam and Mon Cheri) upon Fluffy’s advice. I can tell they really are little soul mate kitties, just like you said. And having you connect telepathically with each of the kitties I was considering at the humane society was such a good idea.
I am so glad I trusted my immediate feeling that you were the person I needed to hire. You guided me through a very intense time of transition, and your insights made all the difference in the world for me. I’m so grateful for your profound gift, and I will recommend you to every animal lover I know.
Thank you for everything.
Terra S., Sedona, AZ

Stories from Clients after Multiple Sessions

“Sharon has allowed my dogs to step forward in my life and become part of a life conversation that has nourished me and strengthened me in ways I could never have anticipated …”
Through Sharon they tell me of their compassion for me, their interest in our daily lives together, and what they sense about my emotional life too. I am able to tell them what they mean to me, and to navigate all kinds of issues—small logistical problems or more high stakes concerns. Sharon is seamlessly and deeply part of the conversation.
During a time of my life when I lost my home to wild fire, my partner to dishonesty, my mother to aging, and even Zula to old age and cancer, Sharon has allowed my dogs to step forward in my life and become part of a life conversation that has nourished me and strengthened me in ways I could never have anticipated – and it seems this has all happened because I have been able to come to know them with Sharon.
Sharon has helped us bring resolution to problems with jealousy, chasing deer, fear of certain smells, hypersensitivity to touch, separation during extended trips, passing on, needs of other dogs, and deeply felt desires for a fulfilled life. Sharon also is a wealth of connections in and of herself. She may well know of someone else who could help you and enhance your life and will willingly share those resources with you.
I would recommend Sharon if you want to experience an enriched ability to understand, have compassion for, and respond to your animals or to any being who is not able to communicate verbally with you. Discipline and judgement can dissolve into caring, understanding, and connecting. Anxiety and uncertainty can be transformed into trust and loyalty. You will be amazed how her communications will unfold and transform you and your life and the lives of all you interact with. Sharon has made a huge difference in my life and the lives of my animals.
Thank you for everything.
Lucinda T., Seattle, WA

“Sharon has opened my eyes to the goldmine of gifts that our animals hold for us. She has also helped me find a very strong spiritual connection in my love for my animals. I didn’t realize this before I started working with her.”
Since then, her work connecting for my horse Chumley has been nothing short of life changing. From the minute Chumley came into my life I felt that we had a very strong soul connection. Sharon validated our deep bond and let me know that my feelings for Chumley are reciprocated by him. I found this to be very comforting.
Sharon also told me that he was sent to me to help heal some very deep wounds around my relationships with men. I have a history of not trusting men. I was very guarded and would keep them far from my heart. At the first sign of trouble in a relationship, my habit was to cut a man out of my life.
Chumley forced me to confront these intense fears when he launched me over his head three separate times during riding lessons. I felt very betrayed and hurt by him and became terrified to ride him. After the first fall, my initial reaction was to sell him, but I could not run away this time because he was my horse and I had made a commitment to him. I had to stay and figure it out.
Throughout our journey I have consulted Sharon numerous times and she has always shared incredibly valuable insights into the dynamics of my relationship with Chumley and the important lessons he is trying to impart. Chumley and I both had a very strong fear of abandonment. Sharon was able to reassure Chumley that I am his forever home, no matter what. That was a turning point in our relationship. Sharon revealed that Chumley had intentionally been pushing me away by bucking me. He had been sold so many times before so he was trying to push me away before I left him. That is the same pattern I exhibited in my relationships with men.
After that session our relationship started getting stronger and we started trusting one another more. He has not thrown me since.
Chumley has taught me about trust, forgiveness and unconditional love. Without the awareness of the deeper level of our connection, I am not sure what I would have done. And it is very healing for me to realize that Chumley has literally been preparing me for a relationship with a man.
The most dramatic way Sharon helped Chumley and me in our journey together is when, about 6 months ago, I noticed some lumps on his belly and sheath area. The vet did not know what they were, and no remedies were working. I called Sharon and she told me that Chumley’s energy was literally pulling the negative energy around my issues with men out of my energy field and into his. The lumps on his belly were his body’s way of containing the toxic energy that he took from me. It was awful to realize that my issues were making him physically ill. Sharon referred me to Wenndi Freer, an IST practitioner who could help me work through my emotional wounds with men, such that Chumley wouldn’t need to take them on for me. In every session with Wenndi, I felt Chumley’s presence with me very strongly, supporting me. Within weeks of me doing IST sessions on myself, Chumley’s lumps shrunk so much that I could barely feel them!
Sharon has opened my eyes to the goldmine of gifts that our animals hold for us. She has also helped me find a very strong spiritual connection in my love for my animals. I didn’t realize this before I started working with her. The way that the universe was able to bring this whole journey to me, in a way that I would get the message is, to me, a miracle.
Kirstin E., Orange County, CA

“Sharon could ask the questions the doctors couldn’t. Animals don’t speak our language…but miraculously through an amazing gift Sharon can speak the language of the animals.”
What do you do when an animal you love is in distress? The first stop is usually the veterinarian. But what if the veterinarian can’t tell you exactly what’s wrong?
So it was time to double down and go beyond the ordinary. A friend recommended I speak with Sharon who is an animal telepath and can communicate with animals at a distance. Sharon could ask the questions the doctors couldn’t. Animals don’t speak our language…but miraculously through an amazing gift Sharon can speak the language of the animals. There was never a doubt about giving this a shot, because we had tried everything else and I wasn’t going to stop until we exhausted all possibilities to help our baby.
Our first phone session with Sharon was an hour but felt like no time at all. Within moments Bela came through and was describing what was going on in her body, her environment, and described ways we might assist her. I could feel Bela’s effervescent personality through Sharon’s words and her dialogue with Bela. This was an incredible and unique experience. Now what Bela told us through Sharon is our secret, but I will tell you I was incredibly surprised by how deep our connections to our beloved pets are. I learned that they can connect very deeply into the fabric of our lives and the family dynamic. The irony of all of this is that it was actually my animal that had a BIG message for me and my family and she wasn’t going to stop until she got it across loud and clear. We connected with Sharon for two one-hour sessions over a period of about six months, the value of which was without dispute. Bela showed significant and surprising physical improvement, we were all so happy and amazed.
The communications helped to unravel what seemed to be an intricately knotted ball of yarn with me, Bela, and my family. We were led through our conversations with Sharon and Bela to do work in the Hellinger Family Constellation modality with Divyo Kuhlman which was an incredible experience. Sharon is in Arizona and I am in New York City, but she was able to connect me to an amazing intuitive and healer here in NYC, Robert Volinsky, for work on myself. What I discovered along the way was there is not one path. When you open, when you truly listen, you will know what to do. You will feel it within the core of your being. “This feels right, this is it. We’re getting closer.”
I want to thank Sharon for giving me hope in desperate times and for leading me to the garden of openness, where love lives. It’s almost one year after my first contact with Sharon and I get emotional realizing how much has changed for the better: Bela is pain free and is living a happy healthy life, my own personal life has shifted incredibly and I have a deeper connection to my family. I have Sharon to thank for this as she led the way through her amazing gift.
Chris O., New York, NY

“This cat was so much more than a cat.”
They did share some basic and very specific things about our lives together, for example, their dislike of all the apples from the trees in our yard that litter up their space. But they also shared profound insight into my emotional struggles, and I was astounded to realize how in tune my cats are with me and how deeply devoted they are to me. I was so touched at how compassionately and clearly they see me; they are so much more than “cats.” I never would have realized this if I had not hired Sharon. And truthfully, I was considering asking her to see how they felt about a new home, because I am a nurse and am gone for long periods of time. Through Sharon, however, my cats helped me see how I still need them in my life and what a gift they are.
About a month ago, I started to feel that maybe Puddy’s time had come to transition, and I called Sharon to hear Puddy’s feelings on the matter. He said he was ready to go, but he had two requests that, in retrospect, proved his wisdom and devotion even more. She told me that he wanted to see my teenage son before he passed. I insisted that this would be a bad idea; my son was living with his father and had been having a hard time emotionally lately, struggling with severe depression. He was really on the edge; I was sure that seeing Puddy in such a weak state would destabilize him. Sharon communicated this back to Puddy and yet Puddy insisted. Sharon said seeing Puddy would help my son remember parts of himself that he had left behind, and the process would be very healing for him. She also said Puddy wanted me to take a blanket with him to the vet’s office when he is euthanized. I reluctantly agreed and took Puddy to see my son the next evening before his appointment to be euthanized.
It was phenomenal. First of all, Puddy somehow became revitalized during our visit with my son. He was walking around with energy and seemed like his old self. But even more astounding was my son’s response to him. It was just like Sharon had said. He started remembering things about his past. He was connecting with memories and pieces of himself from his childhood.
When I saw this transformation take place in my son, I was amazed. I thought, “Oh my goodness, this is why Puddy was so insistent about seeing him before he crossed over.” It was really a miracle. And the blanket – I wrapped Puddy in it and held him as his spirit left his body. And then later that night, when I was really grieving the loss of Puddy, I took the blanket and slept with it. It was so comforting to me. And then I realized—the blanket was for me! Puddy had told me to bring a blanket to wrap him in because it would be there for me as a reminder of his presence. This cat was so much more than a cat. And I know he is still watching over me and my son, guiding us from the other side.
What astounds me the most about my sessions with Sharon is realizing how “big” my cats’ spirits really are. They come in service to us; they are so much more than “pets.” They are spiritual beings, just like you and I. This totally took me off guard, and it has been such an important realization for me. I am more in tune with them and able to fully appreciate their love for me.
I recommend Sharon now to every animal lover I know. She helped me through some experiences that I don’t know how I would have managed on my own. Her work has deepened my relationship with my animals and changed me as a person.
Nancy S., Albuquerque, NM

“When Sharon started to talk, it gave me chills. I could feel so much of Atle’s presence in her voice. It was a true gift for me in my grief.”
When my dog Atle died, I was so distraught with grief. A friend suggested I hire Sharon to connect with Atle telepathically in Spirit, that this might help me. I was skeptical. I didn’t believe this was possible. But I was so heart-sick I was willing to give it a try.
In the first session, when Sharon started to talk, it gave me chills. I could feel so much of Atle’s presence in her voice. And everything she translated was so real and true and what Atle would have said. Plus, there was so much specific information that was accurate in what she said, it was not just general information. It was so clear to me that she was connecting with him—I could feel his uniqueness, his being.
It was like she brought his presence, and it connected me back to how I felt when I was with him.
It was a true gift for me in my grief.
Now I can feel his love more myself, his spirit. I can also feel that he really likes Sharon. I feel that he is grateful to her too, for helping us connect.
Since that first session, I have hired her several more times. In other sessions, she connected with me telepathically to help me with insights into my personal growth. She also connected with my father in Spirit too, and confirmed some things I had been wondering about. In every session it was exactly to the point. She can bring out the essence in every being, even my father and the problems we had, and other family members too.
Sharon’s work has so much integrity and heartness, I feel that her talent is rare. I don’t know how I would be today if I hadn’t been referred to Sharon. It changed my life.
Lis-Marie W., Stockholm, Sweden

“When you listen to Sharon conversing with animals you start to realize there is a whole world of information and socializing available that we’re missing.”
A few months ago, I sold my farm and moved into town, and I had 4 cats and 1 dog who had to come with me. These animals were used to roaming over 50 acres and didn’t have to worry about highway traffic. A week after we moved in, my barn kitty, Lilac, freaked out, climbed the fence and disappeared.
In the session, Sharon connected telepathically with Lilac who said she was hiding in a shed in an overgrown back yard behind a white wood house that had a blue truck in the driveway. Lilac said she had been attacked and was hungry and afraid to come out. Sharon described the house vividly, and I knew exactly which one it was. I had even been there to look for Lilac already a few days back. I told Sharon this in the session and so she told Lilac we would be coming to look for her there again. Lilac said she wanted my husband to come with us, she likes his voice and it would be easier for her to come out.
Later that day, we went to this house and called Lilac—and she came out! We were so happy to have her back.
Also during the session, Lilac had told Sharon she left because of a dispute with one of my other cats; the short version is that the other female cat was being too controlling and Lilac just had to get away. Meanwhile, the other cats, sensing our heartache and wanting their friend back, said they were telling Lilac telepathically that it was time to come home. There was even more conversation with the animals which was delightful and thought-provoking.
A few weeks later, I called on Sharon again to talk to my animal family about living together in the most harmonious way. Lilac was home now; the crisis had passed. Now I thought it would be a good idea to hire Sharon to help them adjust to the new house where everything was so different. I could tell they were still stressed and had things to say. And it was very helpful. Each animal went over what they liked and what they needed to be content in the new place. Hearing them each verbalize through Sharon their opinions and needs added such a richness to our life with our animals.
Because here’s the thing. When you listen to Sharon conversing with animals you start to realize there is a whole world of information and socializing available that we’re missing. We all probably talk to our animal friends all the time but until we hear Sharon telling us what the animals’ side of the conversation is, we only have half of the story.
Best of all is that Sharon teaches people how to do this themselves. I plan to take her course soon, along with two other members of my family.
I am so grateful to my friend for telling me about Sharon and to Sharon for showing me this world and broadening my horizons in this totally delightful way.
And for finding Lilac, of course.
Diane P., Columbia, MO

“If it was Fung’s time to go, I could accept that. I felt so much lighter. It was a healing for me. Then the biggest miracle of all happened.”
My turtle, Fung, got lost in the Sedona desert and I was beside myself. In the first three days since she went missing, my friends and I had been on several search missions, but came up empty and hopeless.
Walking back from our search in the last session, Sharon mentioned that when situations come up like this where all logical attempts to remedy a situation are not working, it is time to look within and see if there is a lesson to be learned or something to shift internally. She mentioned that the word “surrender” kept coming up for her and asked if this meant anything to me. I almost started crying. I knew exactly what she was sensing.
I told her that several years ago, I had watched a coyote attack and kill my cat, Brad, and I had never forgiven God for this. Sharon said that maybe this whole experience of losing Fung was an opportunity to do things differently this time, to repair something inside myself, to heal the feeling of betrayal somehow.
I could feel the truth of what she said and a few days later, during a meditation, I had a profound experience where I let go of this pain I had been holding, and I told God I was at peace with whatever happened. If it was Fung’s time to go, I could accept that. I felt so much lighter. It was a healing for me.
Then the biggest miracle of all happened. When I went down to the kitchen after my morning meditation, I looked out the window into the back yard and there she was—swimming in the pond I had just built for her and Shui, my other turtle. I was ecstatic! Fung was home! She had somehow gotten the courage and strength to make her way back, squeezing through the hole in the fence where she initially got out.
I cannot say enough great things about Sharon’s communication work, and her wisdom to help me see my part in the whole process. She has since helped me with other seemingly unsolvable problems with my cats where the results were none short of miraculous as well. My animals mean so much to me, I don’t want to imagine how my life would be different had I not found Sharon.
Debra L., Sedona, AZ

“I don’t think I would have my dogs back if it weren’t for Sharon’s help.”
I had worked with Sharon before when my sister’s dog was lost and she was able to describe the location where the dog was, and because of this we found her. So I decided to call Sharon for help once again. In the first session she told me that Hannah was inside a home and was being taken care of. She felt the people who found her did not want to give her up. For some reason, the people did not want Hank though. Hank, Sharon said, was being kept in their backyard, but he showed her that he was digging his way out from under a chain-link fence to try to get home. The next day, he arrived home and his little Beagle legs were covered in mud! He had definitely been digging his way out, and now he was home. We were overjoyed!
And so now we still had to find Hannah. I called Sharon to do a follow up session the next day. She described the house where Hannah was; it was a wood house with floors that were unsteady (sort of like a manufactured home). There was brown car in the driveway and a tire swing out front, and lots of trees all around. She also said there was a long driveway and that the house sat back from the road a bit, somewhat concealed by the trees. That did not seem as helpful as we wanted; however, Sharon pointed out that she saw the location through Hannah’s eyes and thus would not get a perfect “human” description.
As I was driving home from work the next day, I passed a house (one that I pass every work day). When I looked at the familiar house, I realized it was very similar to the description Sharon gave us. We had not posted signs up in that particular location, so I went home, got some fliers, and posted them all along that road. Later that evening we got a call from the people who had Hannah. I think our persistence with the fliers must have convinced them to let Hannah go. When we arrived at the house, the exact one that met the description from Sharon, our Hannah was sitting on their couch! She seemed very comfortable. We had a joyful reunion and brought Hannah home. Since then we have reinforced our fence and have kept a closer eye on the dogs when they are out in the yard. We are thankful every day that we have our Hank and Hannah and that Sharon was there to help.

“I guess just like Clarice, I had to get ‘lost’ to get found again.”
I found Sharon a whole four weeks into Clarice’s lost journey around the neighborhood, which was quite a journey. Since I had flyered the neighborhood, neighbors had been calling me and keeping me informed of Clarice’s whereabouts for weeks. The last I had heard from neighbors two streets over, she had eaten food on their porch and slept on their wicker chair.
I called Sharon for help because I had not seen Clarice for over a week or heard anything from neighbors for that long, so I was starting to think she might be dead.
During our first communication, I had taken in all that Sharon said about Clarice and her location and what she had been doing. I also took notes about the particulars so that I could look at them again later if I needed to.
Sharon told me that Clarice was hanging out around an empty house that was beige, and that Clarice also saw a chain link fence, a mailbox on a post, and that she was enjoying being up high, and that she was southwest of my home. I could not figure out where she would be up high, or the Southwest part, or the mailbox (they are not common in our area) but I knew that the last house where she had been seen, had behind it a beige rental home which was empty and also had a chain link fence running down it. Beige single-story homes are not common in my neighborhood of historic homes. So after our first session, I continued to set out traps there because I thought it must be the right house.
Well, for two days I trapped there and no Clarice. I was getting more upset and to complicate things, there was a disrespectful boy in the neighborhood who kept telling me that he had seen Clarice just down my street late at night and that he had tried to catch her. This was the opposite direction of the beige house where I had been trapping.
I did not believe his reports of her because he was so callous and I had known him to be a liar. I felt he was deliberately trying to mock me and play with my emotions. My husband at this time also said he had seen “a cat, but not Clarice” run across our street late at night right at the location the boy had gestured to in his tales about trying to catch Clarice. (I knew to doubt my husband’s assessment that she was “not Clarice” because he is not the most visual of creatures.)
But then I re-evaluated the details of Sharon’s communication, and it became clear to me that I had been trapping in the wrong location.
I realized that where I was trapping was not southwest at all. I couldn’t figure that out at first, so I dropped that detail initially. But the direction that fit Sharon’s description and my husband’s sighting and the boy’s sighting was southwest.
And then things started to come together even more. I realized that there was a second beige empty house next to a chain link fence in that direction. So I set out to that part of the neighborhood to start looking. I went up the hillside and knocked randomly on the doors of the people living there and the first woman who answered actually came outside to talk to me. I just wanted permission to search the property but as “luck” would have it, she had actually seen Clarice just two days before and wanted to show me where she was lying close to the parking lot. Sharon and the boy and my husband were right! And when I looked out from where Clarice had been seen by the woman, I realized that this was the “high up” that Clarice had been talking about. From that position she could hear and see from a safe place all that was going on in the neighborhood.
Then I met several more neighbors who described more sightings of Clarice in that exact area. And when I recounted to them all the factors of Sharon’s communication, I mentioned the mailbox on the post. The two women immediately pointed out the house across the street from them, which sits on a hill, and has a mailbox on a post by the walkway. I had not remembered that mailbox but as soon as I saw it I knew again I was in the correct location. Clarice wound up being spotted by the neighbors with the mailbox several times. Clarice found their retaining wall cool and loaded with plenty of chipmunks, I suppose.
Two weeks later, Clarice finally went into a trap which I set in this area. It fit all of the details from Sharon’s communication with Clarice, and was validated by the neighbors’ sightings.
The most difficult part of the search for Clarice involved managing or rather allowing my emotions about Clarice. I experienced hopelessness, powerlessness, guilt, rage at the kid who had mocked me, and even rage at a past relative who had tortured me the way the kid was tormenting Clarice. Towards the end, I was even ticked off at Clarice for not just going in a trap or just walking home since she was all over the neighborhood.
In perfect timing with my own healing, Clarice went in a trap — right after I had come to accept that I could not control Clarice or the situation. Sharon gently pointed out things and held space for me to make my own powerful realizations. I had to accept that Clarice may very well be dead and that I could do nothing about it if it were horribly true. I had to leave my heart and door open to her, but say goodbye at the same time and it was very difficult to do. I am convinced that this change in me played an important part in bringing her home.
Overall, for me, there were two layers to Clarice’s search: the physical search or outer landscape and the emotional learning or inner landscape. The physical search was wearing and agonizing but I have to say that the emotional learning was even harder, but well worth it. I do have a better sense now that I cannot control everything and I am not responsible for that which I cannot control.
Also, if I had not been open to re-evaluating Sharon’s descriptions of her whereabouts, I would not have Clarice today. Early on, I was “stuck” on my initial impression of the details of her location. I am glad that I let Sharon’s description kind of float around in my mind for a few days, rather than being anchored in a false certainty. I guess just like Clarice, I had to get ‘lost’ to get found again.
I am so grateful to Sharon for her invaluable help with finding Clarice and for helping me find a little more peace with my own being in the process.
Carolyn DeForest, Philadelphia, PA

“Sharon’s clear communication with my animals and her intuitive vision saved me thousands of dollars!”
When I first called Sharon, we had two cats (one of whom, Raj, was nearing the end of his life), and a new little rescue dog, DeeDee, who was behaving badly at the dog park and peeing on the rugs. Sharon tuned into Raj and was able to convey his wish for minimal medical intervention. She said he would give us a clear sign when he was ready to go, and he most definitely did. It gave us tremendous comfort that we handled things the way Raj wanted and let him go when he was ready.
After Raj passed, our other cat Mojo became overweight and ill, and Sharon saw that he had some energetic issues from Raj’s passing. She referred us to the right person to get the issue cleared, and Mojo completely changed! He lost the extra weight, stopped meowing excessively, and he seems several years younger.
Our 13 lb. chiweenie DeeDee had aggression and house training issues that eventually became impossible to manage. When Sharon connected with DeeDee she sensed some deeply imprinted emotional issues around protection and was able to help us address that, as well as have a little talk with DeeDee about the peeing! The next time we brought her to the dog park her behavior was completely different. She now gets along great with other dogs, only occasional growling if a big dog looms over her. My husband still cannot believe the change.
When I last called Sharon it was primarily to communicate with the pets about my marital separation, and to see if there was anything they needed. Sharon communicated for the animals, but then as she tuned into my energy and my husband’s energy, she began accurately describing our relationship from its inception. She described my husband’s and daughters’ emotional perspective, which helped me tremendously. It would have taken dozens of counseling sessions to reach that depth of insight.
Now that I know more of the landscape, I can make more sensitive decisions as the divorce progresses. I believe the process will unfold much more compassionately, and much more successfully for me and my daughters. Sharon also gave me insights about my new career path, which was very much in sync with what a mentor had told me, but Sharon was able to go deeper. Sometimes it’s hard to quantify the value of intuitive work, but Sharon’s clear communication with my animals and her intuitive vision saved me thousands of dollars!
Elizabeth P., San Francisco, CA

“I know the work with Sharon gave me more time with Tinkerbell and improved the quality of her senior years.”
During the first session with Sharon, Tinkerbell told us that she was very upset due to my difficult relationship with my husband. It was amazing what details Sharon was able to tell me from Tinkerbell’s perspective which were so true. After that session I was able to make some changes and she did much better for a while.
A few years later I found out she had a tumor in her pancreas. I consulted Sharon and she suggested I take her to get an energetic blockage cleared. It was amazing how Tinkerbell’s energy immediately brightened up after the clearing. It was obvious she knew what was happening and felt so much better. I know the work with Sharon gave me more time with Tinkerbell and improved the quality of her senior years.
More recently I asked Sharon to do a session for me. I was at a point in my life where I wanted to make some changes and couldn’t figure out what was holding me back. Sharon was able to help me pinpoint some issues and referred me to Samantha Keen for some intense inner work. I can’t say enough great things about my experience with Samantha. That work was life changing and a blessing.
I am so glad I took my mom’s advice and contacted Sharon. She has helped me and my animal friends in profound ways. I can’t imagine where I would be now if I had not had Sharon’s insights and help all these years.
Nancy P., Phoenix, AZ

“Rocky showed Sharon that the main issue was an energetic blockage. This ended up being a turning point in his illness, saving me so much money and adding years to his life.”
I found Sharon though a referral from a friend and spoke with her a few times, she had no prior knowledge of Rocky’s condition of course but connected telepathically with him and accurately tuned into the problem. She started me on the path to other methods of treatment. She helped with advice on acupuncturists and proposed treatments from specialists, but said that when tuning into his body Rocky showed Sharon that the main issue was an energetic blockage. This ended up being a turning point in his illness, saving me so much money and adding years to his life.
Admittedly this was a concept I had never heard of and was a bit over my head. Sharon had been very helpful with his medical and dietary issues in the past and just because it’s a new concept to me I wasn’t going to rule it out. As Robert Volinsky, the clearer Sharon referred me to for the problem, later explained to me it’s actually easier to work on animals since they don’t have to wrap their heads around it like we do, they are already open to accepting the treatment.
At this point I was spending $350 bi-weekly on acupuncture and laser therapy which Rocky hated just to maintain a mediocre result. Having an energy clearing for Rocky was not going to do any harm to him so I took her advice.
Rocky is generally a dog who prefers women but I can tell he just loves Robert! I could tell they had a good connection, I felt calm and relieved speaking with him. It was about a 45-minute process, and after he did the clearing, he explained Rocky would be tuckered out for the next couple of days. He definitely was sleepy, and actually seemed relieved.
To get the the most exciting point of this whole story, Rocky felt so much better after the clearing! Within a few days he was his old self again, we stopped all his treatments, weaned him off of his medication and the best part. He has not seen a doctor for a spinal issue in almost three years now (three years in November, it’s an anniversary I don’t forget). In fact the only reason we have been at the vet since has been yearly check ups. I still take precautions with his spine, I carry him over stairs and discourage jumping of course, however he is 1000% better than he was before.
I think often about how lucky I was to be open enough to find the people, Sharon and through her Robert, who were able to significantly change the quality of life for him. We are truly blessed for their help. As I mentioned Rocky is a French Bulldog who is almost 8 years old, their lifespan on paper is 8-10, literally not a single day goes by when at least one other dog owner asks me his age and is shocked to hear 7, it’s always “WOW I thought he was a puppy.” He feels and looks great with a lot of spunk and I am sure I have Sharon and Robert to thank for a lot of that.
Katie B., NYC, New York