My career as a telepathic communicator combines my lifelong love for animals,
my fascination with language, and my passion for understanding the inner workings of the psyche.
This unique diversity of interests has prepared me to be expert at what I do.
Read below for my personal journey and professional credentials.
Sharon’s Story

I grew up surrounding myself with as many animals as my suburban home and sympathetic parents would allow—dogs, cats, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, parakeets, goldfish and more.
But going to my Aunt and Uncle’s farm in Kentucky was the biggest treat. Visiting the chickens in their coop, petting the beef cattle—there were so many friendships to be made! And the ripe tomatoes and green beans were magical, and bursting with life. In Nature and with animals, I felt held in some bigger space of love, very alive and connected to the deepest, most essential parts of myself.

In college, I discovered my knack for learning foreign languages (a clue to my telepathic ability), a LOVE for making art, and a deep curiosity about the inner workings of the psyche—“all the impractical things,” my mother said.
I am a rebel at heart, but my mom had a point—I needed to be able to pay my bills. I earned a Master of Arts in Teaching and I chose to teach visual art at an alternative high school—a safe haven for creative misfits and hardened street kids—wounded souls hungry for meaning and direction but armed with dangerous coping mechanisms.
I loved this work. It spoke to the part of me that knows how to intervene just before a dog fight breaks out or quietly hold space for someone when they need it. I kept my instincts and my telepathic ability alive … all the while pouring my heart into creating fun projects where my students could shine. It was a formative and special time in my life.

In 2005, I got my wake up call. It was from a little orange tabby cat who started peeing on me, in the bed, every night. After several days of soaked pajamas and daily laundry for a king-sized bed, I decided something had to be done. The vet said, “Sharon, it’s behavioral, there’s nothing physically wrong with this cat.” What to do?
Devoted to beings I love and determined to find a solution … my search began. I found a woman online who not only did “telepathic animal communication” (What? This is possible?), but taught it too. Right away my husband said, “Oh Sharon, you would be really good at that.” And I was on a plane to California a few months later, taking a Basic Course in Animal Communication.

Immediately I was hooked … it was fun, fascinating, and came easily for me. I was still teaching full-time but took every free moment, weekend and school break to practice and attend trainings at first with Carol Gurney and then with Penelope Smith—learning, growing, amazed at the accuracy and effectiveness of the work.
After 3 years of this, people I didn’t know started calling me saying, “You talked to a friend of mine’s dog and he stopped pooping on the rug, can you talk to my dog and ask him why he …?” It was clear that something bigger was wanting to happen—I was truly helping people and their animals understand each other better and live more in harmony. “This could be more than a fun hobby,” I thought.

In January 2009, I started my business as a professional animal communicator and in 2010 it became a full-time practice. I do private consultations, group courses, and talks with demonstrations for clients all over the world.
Since this journey began, I have helped people and animals in so many ways—fostering mutual understanding, healing trauma, restoring harmony, and helping clients to see when an animal’s issue is a reflection of their own. It has been extremely rewarding to catalyze powerful transformation in thousands of lives.
However what truly drives me is something more subtle, but very profound. Animals witness our daily lives, love us, and are there for us unconditionally. This simple act of walking our journey with us in devoted love and true friendship means so much. In communication sessions, they often have powerful insights and heartfelt observations. Our animal companions connect us to our best selves and shine that light back to us. As a telepathic translator for animals, this is why I wake up each day. Through deepening humans’ and animals’ connections, I am living my truth, helping people to see that we are divine gifts in each other’s lives.

“Since Sharon communicated with my chickens, every bird is getting along so much better. Sharon helped me understand what was really going on, and advised me on what to do to help. Of course the issues we see in animals are sometimes rooted in the owner, so she helped me heal some things in myself as well.”
Carrie S., Louisville, KY
“Sharon is not only extremely gifted, she is very professional. She is reliable, caring, contained, and containing in her role, helping people and animals to understand each other and themselves better. I recommend her to all my animal-loving friends.”
Janine S., Los Angeles, CA
“Hi Sharon, The cats are doing great! Romy is fitting in very nicely and Mango and Kona are not stressed anymore. Everyone can’t believe how well the cats are getting along. And the best part is no more diarrhea! Thank you sooo much for helping all of us.”
Lani T., Oahu, HI