Some years ago I was communicating with a golden retriever named Cooper. He was older, and getting ready to pass.
His person wanted to know all about his pain, where he was hurting and how she could help him. And he was sharing in depth about what he needed, so things would be easier for everyone.
But then Cooper stopped. It was like the line went quiet.
I could feel Cooper still there, and my client was listening attentively and waiting for the next thing Cooper had to say.
I soon realized that Cooper was holding back. I told my client, “This is so strange. Cooper has had so much to say, but now he is just quiet, not saying anything.”
My client shared, “My sister just came into the room and has joined our call. I wonder if it has to do with this?”
That was it.
My client’s sister had recently been through a big emotional upheaval in her life. She was in a fragile place. And now her dog was getting ready to leave.
It would have been too much for her to hear how Cooper was struggling, and for him to talk about his death.
Cooper knew better than anyone what she could handle and what she couldn’t.
The sister left the room, and Cooper resumed sharing. She understood, and was really touched by this. It was a wake-up call for her to be more mindful of her own vulnerability in this difficult time in her life.
This is just one example of the incredible depth, caring and sensitivity our animal friends have for us. A depth that becomes so visible when we communicate with them.
We humans have so much going on in our minds that such subtlety is often missed. But when we open our hearts to communicate with our animal friends, a whole world opens up and we remember what matters, what is true and real.
I look forward to connecting with you and your animal friends in a communication session very soon.