I met Charles at a meditation retreat a few years back, and since then we have stayed in touch and become friends. From the beginning he was very curious about my work, and about a year after we met he decided to hire me for a session to connect with his beautiful cat friend, Squiggs.
Squiggs acted like she had been waiting, not so patiently, for this moment in time. She began the session with, “I am a little bit upset. Is this ok?”
I think Squiggs was testing the waters, wanting to know if Charles and I could handle her boldness, her directness, her real self. She was secretly asking, “Can you handle me? Can I really be myself here?”
I could also sense that Squiggs was a very devoted and loving cat, but also annoyed. In the background of everything she said there was this feeling, “Isn’t who I am and my relationship to you and all that I do for you obvious?? Why don’t you human beings already get these things?”
I think Charles, like many of us (myself included before I learned this work), was guilty of thinking Squiggs was a lovely cat, but you know, how much can a cat really know?
Turns out, Squiggs knows a lot.

Squiggs said she connects to Charles’ heart, and holds part of his heart that is very precious and important to his spiritual awakening. It is a part of his heart that loves devotedly. Squiggs said she is very connected to it, because she understand devotion and loves Charles devotedly herself.
Then I asked Squiggs, “Hang on, you mean you know what awakening is?” Right away she responded indignantly, “Of course!!”
Clearly Squiggs had higher expectations for me, and I wasn’t living up to them. So there I was, being a doubting Thomas, validating this cat’s experience of us dim-witted humans. Sigh.
She went on to say that this part of Charles’ heart was also longing for a partner, and that a woman was coming soon. And further, that she, Squiggs, has been helping prepare Charles’ heart to receive this woman into his life.
This woman would make their family complete: Charles, his daughter, Squiggs, and this woman.
In the in-between moments in the communication I tried to ask Squiggs how she knew this, or if she was really sure about this. Of course, she wouldn’t have any of it, she just ignored these questions. It was this feeling like, “Just do your job lady, and relay my messages.”

Sure enough, that was 2018, and about a year later, Charles met a woman, Lindsey, and they are now married.
Squiggs likes her very much.

There was so much more that transpired in this first communication session. And as you can imagine, with each of Charles’ questions, Squiggs did not disappoint. Squiggs had profound insights about so many things.
Even when Charles asked a simple question to Squiggs, “Do you like to be petted?” Squiggs responded with this elaborate answer that revealed all of this understanding of how energetically sensitive beings perceive and experience the world. Here are two short audio clips from the session, you can really get a sense of Squiggs’ personality here.
In that first session there were no big problems to be solved, but what did happen is that Charles now has this new, deeper appreciation of this being whom he loves dearly. And it has changed him. The communication was an awakening experience for him.

More recently, Charles reached out again. This time he did have a problem to solve.
Squiggs had stopped eating and drinking for 7 days. The vets were saying that if she didn’t eat or drink something soon that her liver would start shutting down and the situation would become dire. Now Charles was the one who was really upset.
When I connected with Squiggs, she didn’t feel there was any emergency at all. She knew exactly what was happening, and said that her body was in a state of fasting so that she could heal from this stomach issue. Coincidentally, Charles himself had had a stomach issue recently and had fasted as a way to heal.
Throughout this session we communicated with Squiggs about her condition. I have never claimed to be a healer, but something mysterious happened in that session. I could feel it in the empathic / telepathic connection with Squiggs. There was some kind of energetic congestion in Squiggs’ belly that started to move.
I left the call with Charles encouraging him to use a homeopathic detoxifier as well as to reach out to a veterinary acupuncturist. He didn’t end up doing either, because within 24 hours Squiggs started eating and drinking again and she recovered on her own from the problem, and now a year later she is doing fine.

While in some situations animals will literally energetically absorb an issue for their person, this was not the case here. Charles and Squiggs were doing something in resonance with each other. He had an issue, and she had an issue, and both were expressing through problems with the stomach. The love in their relationship had brought them to this point where they were moving through something together.
These kinds of things amaze me. There is mystery and great beauty in the depth of love and opening in our connections with our animal friends.