Rani and her husband Drew noticed that their fish were becoming more agitated lately, chasing and nipping at each other. They had seen my video on YouTube and thought a communication session would help them understand why, and maybe remedy the problem.
I love helping clients work through household harmony issues. I love to allow each being to share deeply, whatever they want to say, and feel fully seen and received. I think this is a big part of the healing process, for all.
And this is how the truth of what is really going on starts to come forward, bit by bit.
Communicating with Rani and Drew’s two rabbits and seven fish was just like this, and so much more.
I came away with a new appreciation for how living in water shapes and conditions a being’s consciousness.
Quite simply, beings who live in water feel so much more. It is as if water creates this medium where feeling is magnified and stored, rendered more vibrant and intense.
I was also struck with how unique and vivid each fish’s personality is.
I am embarrassed to say that I came to animal communication years ago thinking that fish were less individualized. I think this is common for us humans, somehow we feel a little more removed from fish. Rani herself said, “It is astounding that a little fish that can fit in my hands can feel and comprehend so much.”

Honey the rabbit was the first to come forward.
“I am a velvet queen. An exquisite being, refined and sensitive. I have finely tuned senses, especially hearing. I feel vibrations, even emotions come in the form of vibrations. I feel this with the fish tank. There is a lot of emotion that flows through the water and from the fish tank. Rani’s emotions are like this, Rani is very fluid and emotionally present.”
Honey shared more about her life and why it was appropriate that she share first.
“I am a guardian of the whole household. I hold everything and everyone. Orion the fish is my friend. He is a wise being like me. Fufu and I get along, but we have quiet disagreements, they are like staring contests.”

Fufu the rabbit wanted to share next, but sensing we had big problems to solve and that this was really about the fish, she only said the following:
“They are good, sweet souls, those fish. They are my people’s hearts. I want them to live happily. I love them too, I just don’t talk to them much.”

As I turned toward the fish, Yellow (now named Sunshine), came forward first.
“I am very strong. I am a girl! Females are very clear and strong. The female Discus Fish hold the power.” (I got the sense that this kind of fish is matriarchal.)
“I follow the others and push on them, I want them to know I am in charge.
“There is anxiety here. Sometimes it creates tension. It’s a feeling that comes from around the tank, but it is not from Drew and Rani. It makes me need to show that I am in charge.”

We said thank you to Yellow, and then Avatar showed herself as the next being who needed to share.
“I am an unusual being. Sweet and philosophical, a deep soul.
“I know many lifetimes of sadness, being caught by fisherman. It is a harder death that way, harder than being eaten by bigger fish. This is because you are separated from the water.” (I got this feeling Avatar equates water or the ocean with God.)
“When you are outside in the air, you are not with God anymore. It is a very sad death.
“I have a lot of compassion.
“I love Rani! I love to look into her eyes. She has a lot of stillness in her eyes and heart. Drew’s heart is a light in his chest, I can feel the vibrational field that is his heart and in this way I sense when he is near the fish tank.”

Next it was Jeff who presented himself to share.
“I am a simple being but deep and perceptive. I am VERY old as a fish soul. I am calm because of this.
“The others school, but I zigzag around the tank and I weave the group together. I also clean up messes. When there is emotional chaos, I know how to break it up with my zigzagging. Discus Fish are very emotional beings. My kind of fish is different, more direct. I clean things up, break up stagnation.
“Rani takes good care of the water. But there is more stagnation in the water now than normal. There needs to be systematic replacing of the water, this job is too big for me.
“We need fresh water to help lift this anxiety.
“I like to eat. I like my food. I always get plenty. I am quick this way.
“I am not a mushy kind of guy. I am serious, life is all about respect and doing a job.”
Then Jeff reiterated: “Water quality is important, fresh fresh wanting fresh!”
Jeff ended his sharing by showing us an image of Rani loving the fresh water with her heart before she puts it in the aquarium.

And then Orion showed himself in my awareness as the next to speak.
“I am a thinker. A very intelligent being. Sometimes I get annoyed. I have little patience with others. I don’t have the sweetness and patience of Avatar.
“I am an intense guy, masculine. I can move more quickly and sharply than others. This is an expression of my temperament. I am naturally a very alpha being, but it is not my job here. If we were in the wild I would keep us all safe. My instincts are keen.”
Then he showed us an image that the anxiety comes from an imprint in the walls of the home around the tank, specifically a wall that is shared with another household. Someone on the other side of the wall in the other household is very anxious and it comes across.
Orion sent the thought: “We need to clean the water of the anxiety. The anxiety has imprinted into the water in our tank and it is making everyone jumpy and want to pick on each other.
“I respect Yellow, she is the matriarch. I pick on the others to keep them on their toes.”
(I got the feeling he is confessing, and he tends to chase after the other fish regardless of whether or not there is anxiety in the water).
Orion ended his sharing with this reflection on his life with Rani and Drew:
“Our people are not the Water / Ocean Mother but they are good and they take care of us in the way that they can. It is fascinating to be with people. This is a fascinating life for me.”
As I was translating for all their animals, Rani and Drew were quietly taking everything in. I asked how they were doing and if everything made sense. Rani said, “Yes, everything. We are blown away.”
Then Drew added, “Orion is talking about our landlady. She is really high-strung and anxious and we are planning on moving. She lives in the adjoining apartment, on the other side of that wall the fish are talking about.”
Now everything was starting to make sense.
I then communicated with the remaining three fish.

Sarah (now Will) came forward next.
“I am a boy. I am thoughtful. I am deep and can be timid. I get all freaked out easily. I am not all in my body yet.
“I am an easy-going and gentle spirit. The others like to spook me, it is like a telepathic goosing. The other fish, it is how they think I can be more in my body.
“I feel very loved by my people.
“I will get stronger. Please remind me that I am strong. Your love will help me shine, will help my light come into my body.
Then Sarah showed us an image of lifetimes where he has been caught by fisherman and been brought up into the air and killed there.
“It is a harder death. In the water, when a fish eats you, it is like, ‘Oh time to leave my body. Ok.’ God is all around and you just let go.”
I could tell Drew and Rani were just as amazed as I was by all that the fish were saying.

Then Nova jumped in.
“It is me! It is me! Talk to me next!
“I am curious and smart and a rebel and independent. I don’t like to be dominated by anyone.
“I am a thinker too. I like to go around the edges of the tank, and touch the walls of the tank with my nose. This makes me feel good.
“People are interesting.”
She shows us a past life as a fish in a pet store. She died there. This was her introduction to people.
“I was on display. I am afraid to get close to people. We live in this tiny body of water.”
She showed us an image of someone in the pet store coming up to the tank, and she sent them the thought: “You like me? You want to be my friend? I am open to this but it is not something that is natural for me.”
Personally, I was really touched by Nova’s sharing. It struck me, the pain and innocence in what she said.
It made me wonder about the loss of dignity for any wild animal that we humans take from their natural homes and turn them into pets, or use them for our own purposes. It is a whole ethical rabbit hole to explore, and brings questions that are frankly in my opinion too big to answer definitively.

After Nova, it was Mojo’s turn to share and he did not hesitate to express his feelings.
“I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all. Why am I picked on? I move fast. I am chased a lot. Why is this happening? Why am I the one?
“I need friends. I want more friends to protect me. I want a larger school of fish.
He shows us how in a large school, you can be buffered from a bully fish by the other fish.
“Yellow scares me sometimes. She is scaring me. I don’t understand her. What is she doing?
“Answers. Answers. I want answers! What is the plan? I don’t want to be chased and spooked and herded.
(I got the feeling Mojo is deeply affected by the ambient anxiety and he doesn’t even realize it.)
Drew then interjected: “Mojo is the one who picks on the others.”
So I showed an image of this to Mojo.
Mojo responded, as if saying to the other fish: “I am mad at you. Bite, nip! Quit chasing me. Nervous. Nervous. Help me.”
Shortly after this, we ended the call.
Rani and Drew now knew what the source of the problem was, and how to help their fish: in the short term by changing out the water, and in the long term by moving house.
They did both, but Rani later shared that the aggression actually improved right after the conversation, without them making any of these changes.
Rani said she believes it is the love that opened up in the communication session that changed things. In a recent phone conversation, Rani said:
“We first bought our fish for ornamental purposes, to have something cool to look at. But then we started to develop relationships with them.
“Your communication opened the door to understanding our fish and our connection with them deeply. It validated subtle experiences we were having, and opened up a greater fascination with the individual beauty of each being and a deeper flow of love between all of our hearts.
“It is astounding that a little fish that can fit in my hands can feel and comprehend so much. Communicating with them changed our lives.”
I have to say that communicating with these fish changed my life too. While finding the core reason and then solutions for the problem was amazing all on its own, I couldn’t help but notice how several fish referred to the water around them as a divine force. Water is of course essential to life and where life began many millions of years ago.
For me this opened up a whole world of new questions, and a curiosity that felt awakening. And I feel a new respect for these creatures who have a heightened experience of feeling, and who get to bathe in this substance that feels like God 24/7.