How to successfully communicate with your animal.
One really fun option is to sign up for my Basic 1 Course in Animal Communication. In the meantime, here are some pointers on how to ensure that when you are talking to your animals, they will understand.
- Look them in the eyes and speak your message. (SEND THE THOUGHT)
- While telling them your message, think of images describing this message. (SEND THE IMAGE)
- Also imagine the feeling (all the emotions and bodily sensations) of this message. (SEND THE FEELING)
As you are doing this, be as grounded and fully present as you can. In other words, communicate coherently from the whole of your being, rather from your mind only (something we humans do so much of the time!). It is easier than you think! I teach this and more in my Basic 1 course.
What NOT to do ….
Here is a story that shows what happens when you DO NOT communicate with your animals using all three ways — sending the thought, image, and feeling all together.
Shortly after I moved to Arizona, my mother came to visit. This was a few years ago and my dogs Rufus and Sadie were still alive.

Rufus and Sadie LOVED my mother. She would babysit them when my husband and I would travel, and feed them scrambled eggs and bacon off a fork every morning for breakfast. Seriously.
So a week before her arrival in Arizona, I looked Rufus and Sadie in the eyes and said, “Guess what? Your Granny is coming next week!”
If I had been on top of my communication game, in addition to verbalizing this message, I would have also sent an image of my mother here in sunny Arizona, as well as the feeling of her kind and mothering presence in our living room, with the smells of scrambled eggs and bacon and the sound of her laughter and more.
But I only sent the thought.
Rufus and Sadie looked at me and wagged.
The next week when my husband pulled up in the driveway with my mom in the truck, I opened the front door so Rufus and Sadie could run out and greet my mom with me. Sadie trotted out very proudly as if to say, “Hi Granny! Welcome to our new home!”
Meanwhile, Rufus followed behind her, oblivious to what was really happening.
But then Rufus saw my mother, and he started yelping wildly and ran towards her. “You didn’t tell me GRANNY was coming! Why didn’t you tell me?!? Granny, you’re here! It’s so good to see you!!”
So, what happened? Why did Sadie understand me, however Rufus didn’t receive the communication?
Just like with humans, animals have certain parts of their being more telepathically open than others.
Rufus was a very feelings-centered dog.
Rufus had an intelligence that was very special in his heart, a deep wisdom and presentness. He brought calm to Sadie, to me, to anyone that was around him. Rufus was very awake in his heart—telepathically sending and receiving information on the heart level all the time.
If I had sent the images and feelings of my mother’s visit, and been more present in my own heart while communicating, Rufus would have understood, no problem.
But, like most humans, I was more in my head that day, and I only sent the thought about my mother arrival, so he missed it.
Sadie, on the other hand, was a very intellect-centered dog.
She had so many clever games she would play. For instance she would fake out Rufus when he had her favorite chew toy, pretending there was a noise at the door, so he would get up and go bark with her, then she would rush in for the chew toy steal. And this is just one example. On the level of thoughts and planning, she was very intelligent.
Accordingly, because I was more connected to my own mind when I communicated this message, Sadie understood perfectly clearly that my mom was coming to Arizona the next week.
Come into this amazing world with me.
All this is so fascinating, no? I love all this nuanced understanding of communication. Each of us is unique in the way we hold our energy, how we position our consciousness. And this has powerful consequences for how we connect with others and the world around us.
These are among the basic principles we explore and master in the Basic 1 and 2 courses. And there is so much more. In the Advanced Program, we go into depth learning all the ways to strengthen our communication with animals so that we translate as fully as deeply as completely as we can. In the Advanced Program, you learn how to communicate from the fullness of your being, to translate so that the most can happen for people and their animals.
If you would love to learn more—reawaken and master basic telepathic communication in the Beginner Program, or refine your animal communication ability such that you can practice professionally with the Advanced Program—don’t hesitate to reach out today.
I would love to bring you into this amazing world. It will change your life in ways you can’t even imagine.
With love and joy,