Daisy and Her Jobs
Did you know that animals need to feel like they have an important job in their lives with you? We call our animal friends pets and think they live these lives of comfort and ease, but in truth animals enjoy having a sense of responsibility, and want to give of themselves in meaningful ways in […]
What Animals Understand
Some years ago I was communicating with a golden retriever named Cooper. He was older, and getting ready to pass. His person wanted to know all about his pain, where he was hurting and how she could help him. And he was sharing in depth about what he needed, so things would be easier for […]
Bubs’ Mysterious Past
Last month I communicated with a kitty named Bubs in Ontario, Canada, who had a very intense story to tell. Kelly, her person, wrote the following in her booking notes: “Bubs has a mysterious past. I adopted her from a shelter, who’d gotten her from the streets at just a year old. She is terrified of going in […]
Toffee and Her Toys
Sometimes the most revealing parts of an animal communication session are what the animals don’t say, or what they choose to leave out. Some years ago I communicated with three Boston Terrier dogs who lived in California with their person and her husband. There were two boys and a girl, and the girl was named Toffee. […]
Rafiki’s Logic
Recently I communicated with a cat named Rafiki, for his person Tatiana. One of the questions Tati asked Rafiki is why is he peeing on her things, most notably her pillow? She said it seems to happen after they have been some place together and have just come back to her apartment. For instance when she takes Rafiki with her to […]
Everyone Needs a Sense of Purpose
A few months ago I shared a story about my rescue donkey, Daisy, and how shortly after arriving, she insisted upon knowing her purpose here on my property. In that newsletter I asked you for photos and a short sharing about your animal friends and their jobs and / or purpose in your lives together. [...]
Brody, the Little Dog with So Many Important Jobs
Our companion animals give us so much. They understand us more deeply than we realize, and help us in ways we are not even consciously aware of. How is this possible? As I say in my video, “animals are these silent witnesses to our lives, day in and day out. We think they are just simple beings […]
Understanding Empathy and Animal Communication
People who are naturally very empathic often have certain questions about learning animal communication. So I listed the questions and answered them below. How does animal communication work? Whenever you open your heart in love to another being, there is a silent flow of communication – in images, feelings, knowings, etc. – that opens [...]
Juliette the Chicken
A rooster was dumped on my property last September and I fell in love with him. Everyone else seemed to like him too, even though he crows a lot. So I bought him six hens last fall, and built a coop and a chicken run off the side of my barn. Then just about a week ago [...]
Rani and Drew’s Beautiful Fish
Rani and her husband Drew noticed that their fish were becoming more agitated lately, chasing and nipping at each other. They had seen my video on YouTube and thought a communication session would help them understand why, and maybe remedy the problem. I love helping clients work through household harmony issues. I love to allow [...]
I met Charles at a meditation retreat a few years back, and since then we have stayed in touch and become friends. From the beginning he was very curious about my work, and about a year after we met he decided to hire me for a session to connect with his beautiful cat friend, Squiggs. [...]
Ruti and the Man Who Didn’t Feel His Own Anger
Kathy scheduled a communication with me for her horse Ruti a few months ago. She had bought him a couple of years ago, and shortly after she got him, whenever she rode Ruti, he acted uncomfortable and even bucked her off a few times. The vet's exam showed nothing was wrong, and the trainer's suggestions weren't working. [...]
Genevieve’s Breakthrough
Rescue animals often have mysterious behavior problems that their people never fully understand. These problems can severely limit an animal's life, and their family's life too! A dog with separation anxiety, a cat who sprays, a horse who cribs, or a pet pig who bites the dog, they always have a story to tell. Their people look into [...]
Bunny’s Answer
My client Julie lost her dog Jake in 2014, only a few months after her other dog, Blaze, died suddenly. She was devastated. These dogs were her heart, her connection to joy, and her best friends. Julie's dog Jake Julie's dog Blaze, with Jake and another dog friend After a few months of life [...]
The Sad Horse in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
People sometimes ask me, “Do animals know that you can do this, and do they come up to you out of the blue wanting to talk?” Yes, they know. They recognize an openness to them, and a receptivity. Whether it is a black lab passing me on a hiking trail with his person trailing behind, [...]
The Gift of the Present
It is a strange and beautiful time right now. With the arrival of the coronavirus, there are all these really sad things happening, people getting sick and losing their jobs. And while it’s only a percentage of us who are directly affected, all of us are rearranging our lives. The usual commitments in our calendars […]
Telepathy is Compassion Cultivated
Telepathy, "feeling across a distance," is really a form of compassion, "feeling with or suffering with another being." Telepathy is compassion that is exercised, cultivated, refined, sharpened, made specific. In telepathic communication you start by using your heart, your body, your mind, your whole being, to be deeply present to another being's experience. [...]
Communicating with Whales is Different
In my work, I telepathically communicate with all species of animals, even humans. To telepathically communicate, I become deeply present within myself, and from this place, I can feel a being’s thoughts and feelings on all levels of their consciousness. I feel their day-to-day experience of life, as well as their deeper desires, repressed emotions, and [...]
Raja: Indian Street Dog Hero
Daena Sethna, a client in Mumbai, India, hosted me for the month of January 2016. She had been so moved by the work I had done with her dog Gypsy over the prior two years that she wanted to share the experience with her friends, family, and community. So she flew me to Mumbai and […]
Asking Wild Animals To Cooperate with Humans
My work is just as effective communicating with wild animals as with companion or domesticated animals. For example: A flock of pigeons who had set up a nesting headquarters on an apartment balcony in Japan left the day after I communicated with them. A family of javelinas bedded down in the backyard of a Sedona [...]